The beauty of the cave Pindul jogjakarta

Pindul Goa is one of the attractions located in the village Bejiharjo, Karang mojo, Gunung Kidul. Goa is famous for its underground beauty suangai, when we traveled there we could use to float down the tires or the beauty of this cave.

Goa Pindul length of about 350 meters with a width of lima meters, but in dalah cave contained a narrow stream that can be passed only by one person, so we had to take turns to pass through. Usually we take an hour, more to this cave down. River water is clear and clean, which is derived from one of the springs in Gunung Kidul is Gedong Seven springs.

These attractions can be achieved from the city of Yogyakarta by motorcycle or private vehicles. It is located about 7 km from the north of the city Wonosari, jalanyapun already hawatir asphalt so that when we visited there.

Pindul Goa is divided into three zones, namely Zone bright, dim, and dark. In one location in beautiful Goa Pindul is in one part of Goa Pindul contained pool and a hole wide enough light into the cave, so that makes us amazed when he saw it.